Professor Kandis Leslie Gilliard-AbdulAziz
Principal Investigator
Pasqual and Adelina Early Career Chair in
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Email: [email protected]
Graduate Students


Bruno H. Arpini, Ph.D.
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Undergraduate Students
Ph.D. and PostDoctoral
Group Alumni

Soham Shah, Ph.D.
Former CEE Ph.D. student (Graduated Fall 2022)
Currently employed: Packaging Engineer, Intel Inc.

Luz Cruz, Ph.D.
Former MSE Ph.D. student (Graduated Spring 2022)
GAANN Fellow
Currently employed: Module and Integration Yield Engineer, Intel Inc.
Former MSE Ph.D. student (Graduated Spring 2022)
GAANN Fellow
Currently employed: Module and Integration Yield Engineer, Intel Inc.

Mark Gale, Ph.D.
Former CEE Ph.D. student (Graduated Spring 2022)
Currently employed: Assistant Professor of Teaching,
Colorado State University
Former CEE Ph.D. student (Graduated Spring 2022)
Currently employed: Assistant Professor of Teaching,
Colorado State University

Somchate Wasantiwut, Ph.D.
Former CEE Ph.D. student (Graduated Spring 2024)
Fulbright Fellow

Tu Nguyen, Ph.D.
Former CEE Ph.D. student
GAANN Fellow
Undergraduate GROUP ALUMNI

Leonardo Bautista
Undergraduate institution: University of Southern California
Research topic: Carbon Capture and Utilization
Mentor: Seongbin Jo and Dr. Bruno Rapini

Waniya Hassan
Undergraduate institution: University of Southern California
Research topic: Atomic Layer Deposition of Plasmonic Nanoparticles
Mentor: Naharin Jannath

Annette Phan
B.S. Material Science and Engineering
Spring/Summer 2021 - 2022
Research: Carbon Capture and Utilization
B.S. Material Science and Engineering
Spring/Summer 2021 - 2022
Research: Carbon Capture and Utilization

Peter Nguyen (UC LEADS)
B.S. Material Science and Engineering
Summer 2021
Research: Biomass Valorization
B.S. Material Science and Engineering
Summer 2021
Research: Biomass Valorization

Jacob Graves, B.S. Material Science and Engineering
(Summer 2021 MACREU)
Tommy Hao Hui Xu
(Summer 2021 MACREU)
Oge Ogbechie, B.S. Chemical & Environmental
(Summer 2021)
(Summer 2021 MACREU)
Tommy Hao Hui Xu
(Summer 2021 MACREU)
Oge Ogbechie, B.S. Chemical & Environmental
(Summer 2021)

Marissa Moreno
MacREU student (Summer and Fall 2019)
Research: Biomass valorization strategies
MacREU student (Summer and Fall 2019)
Research: Biomass valorization strategies

Mariyah Bandukwala
B.S. student, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
B.S. student, Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Thanvarath Pinyochon
B.S. student, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Email: [email protected]
B.S. student, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Email: [email protected]

Samuel Sayono
B.S. Material Science and Engineering
Current: EAG Laboratories, Failure Analysis Engineer

Ryan Pan
B.S. student, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
B.S. student, Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Zhaoxi Yang
B.S., Chemical and Environmental Engineering (UCR GPP)
Currently employed: Ph.D. student, UC Riverside
B.S., Chemical and Environmental Engineering (UCR GPP)
Currently employed: Ph.D. student, UC Riverside

Jenna Ynzunza
B.S. student, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Currently employed: Ph.D. student, UC Irvine
B.S. student, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Currently employed: Ph.D. student, UC Irvine

Monica Fajardo
B.S. student, Material Science and Engineering
B.S. student, Material Science and Engineering
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